Ways To Market Using Social Media (part2)

Ways To Market On Pinterest  

Over the last few years, Pinterest has positioned itself firmly as a means for sharing,

storyboarding, and spreading ideas, products, and different information. Better yet,

it's not just for images anymore. The platform has the massive potential to drive

loads of traffic on essential autopilot, you just have to utilize it properly. The

following are just a few different ways you can market your products on Pinterest

Ways To Market Using Social Media  (part2)


Pin Relevant Products Or Projects For Your Brand, Business, Or Niche


This is the main purpose of Pinterest, and you should become accustomed to it if you

plan to use the platform. It's super easy to find products and posts to “pin” and you

can even add your own comments to help build a following.


Add And Upload Your Own Images Of Your Products, Crafts, Or Creations


Sure there's tons of content already out there that you can post, contribute, and pin

around. But you can also upload your own images of your products, crafts, or

anything else to the platform. This not only gives your account and brand an original

edge and authority, but it will also create loads of traffic all piloting back to you.


Network With Other Pinterest Users By Communicating & Promoting Them


Pinterest has a gigantic user base, and it's super easy to interact with other users

and make awesome connections. By doing this, you'll easily increase your authority,

expand your audience, and maybe even end up getting promoted by some bigger

accounts or celebrities that use Pinterest. Just stay active and persistent on the

platform and you'll see success.

Ways To Market On Reddit

Reddit is often referred to as the “front page” of the internet, and for good reason.

When you consider the fact that it attracts upwards of 8 billion page views every

single month, you see how much traffic potential the platform has. You can easily

generate tons of highly targeted traffic using Reddit if you do it the right way. If you

want some ideas for marketing on Reddit, the following are just a few to get you

started off right.


Join Relevant Sub-Reddit's For Your Niche, Brand, Or Market


With the gigantic audience that Reddit hosts, you have to find one of the hundreds of

thousands of subreddits that specific to your audience and niche. Once you find the

subreddit's for your brand, you need to start interacting and establish yourself.


Post Infographics About Information And Statistics To Create Discussions


Infographics speak volumes about content and provide a great visual representation

of data that can then spawn a ton of discussion. They're easy to make and easy to

find, and people are always interested in looking at them.


Answer Questions From Other Users All Over The Site


Just like everywhere else on the net, people are constantly asking questions on

Reddit and that means you have plenty of opportunities to share your knowledge,

answer questions, and establish your authority. Make it a point to search for

questions and answer a few every single day, if you can.


Share Valuable Content And Other Information


Reddit users are savvy and won't fall for generic articles, or lame rehashed

information. With that in mind, you can always create new content, share your own

posts, or share current events related to your topic. Just always ensure that the

content you contribute provides some level of value to the viewers.

Ways To Market On Instagram

Instagram is by far the most popular platform and app for sharing images on the go,

not including older sites like Flickr. But even so, Instagram has now found its way

into many big businesses and all sorts of marketers' campaigns. With that said, the

following are just a few ways that you can market anything on Instagram.


Post Photos of Your Products Or Inventory


Not sure what to post? Aside from the normal stuff that people always post, you can

focus on uploading images of your products, inventory, or other details. You can

even post photos of people wearing your clothes or using your product which is an

incredible way to improve your overall brand awareness.


Upload Photos Of The Inner-Workings of Your Business Or Your Life


Let's face it, people love to witness a behind the scene's experience from a business

or even individual that they like. Showing off the different aspects of how your

business functions, or sharing specific details about your personal life can be a great

way to connect with your audience personally. It also gets people talking!


Expose Your Personality


Going off of the previous point, exposing your personality and giving that human

touch to your business or brand is without a doubt one of the best ways to improve

your authority and drive traffic. It will allow people to better relate to you and what

you do and it's an easy way to create content


Use Hashtags In The Caption For Every Photo


Just like on Twitter, this platform makes use of hashtags as well. Because of that,

you can implement the hashtag for your brand, or relevant hashtags to the subject

matter of your photo. Tons of users are searching for these hashtags and it's an

incredible way to create traffic on near autopilot.

Ways To Market On Social Media (In General)

The following are just some general tips for marketing across all of the different

social media platforms that are out there now and maybe out there in the future.


Create One Unified Hashtag Or Phrase For Your Brand Or Business


This tip may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how many

businesses skip this vital step. Create, use and market your brand-specific hashtag.

You should be using this hashtag on EVERYTHING. Every digital image you create,

every piece of collateral, your email signature… Anywhere you can think of—share it!

These people remembered their hashtags—don’t forget to add yours!

By using a product-specific hashtag, you’ll make it really easy for people to find not

only what you’re sharing, but what other people are saying, too!

This is also a great way to create and participate in an engaging conversation with

attendees and interested parties.


Connect All Of Your Accounts To Cross Promote And Post Content


Nowadays, a lot of social networking platforms support the ability to connect

your OTHER social network accounts to each other. You can then select to option to

cross-post and share posts between your different accounts. This is an excellent way

to not only save time with having to post on all of the different accounts but also a

way to generate traffic between the different social networks as well.


Research By Viewing Other Page's And Learning From Their Successes


This is dead simple and very useful. Just head out to other popular page's in your

niche and look at the posts that they make they end up being the most successful.

What you can then do is see what they did right or wrong, and implement those

strategies into your own marketing plan. Make it a point to regularly do this.


Automate The Process Whenever Possible


It should come as no surprise that for pretty much every single social network out

there, there's a compatible tool or software that will help you automate your

marketing in certain aspects. These are all around the net, and they range from free

to monthly payments. It's up to you to find the one that works best for you. This

can save you a ton of time, effort, and everything in between. Plus you may end

learning a few things you didn't know before.

Closing Thoughts

So, there you have it. That may have been a lot to go through, but as you go

through it all, I'm hoping you had some ideas and realized some benefits that these

networks can have on your marketing campaigns.

Social networks aren't difficult to get started using, and in all honesty, it's a lot better

to set up shop and at least make an effort to use them. With that done, you can

later pick them up and use them, and your brand will at least be visible on the

internet which can be a major help.

For instance, if you own a brick and mortar store (with a physical storefront), having

a Facebook page with details can help you with business a lot. Adding things such as

hours of operation, location(s), stock, specials/sales, and everything else can all

contribute to your physical store receiving more traffic.

For an online business, having a social presence nowadays is an absolute necessity,

so don't skip over setting up the accounts.

With all of that in mind, I hope you learned a few things from this course, and I want

to personally thank you for taking the time to go through all of this. Now get out

there and start marketing on social media! Good luck!

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