Doctor of love (part-2)
Chapter 5:Be Careful Of Actions And Behaviors
Actions and behavioral patterns expressed within a relationship, definitely dictate in some way the kind of feelings evident from both parties, and this is usually a good indication of the strength of love and commitment. Being careful in how these actions are played out and interpreted is important if the individual is keen on keeping the relationship alive and strong.
Be Cautious
There are several documented materials compiled that clearly show the actual level these actions and behaviors shown can affect the relationship, therefore a lot of thought should ideally go into any such displays before they are actually acted out.
Both parties should take the trouble to ensure all actions and behaviors are carefully expressed as once these actions or behaviors are exercised, the negative impact that it can depict will almost always be hard to justify or erase.
In some more severe cases, such actions and behaviors may even cause destruction within the relationship and the eventual ending of the said relationship.
This is especially true when such displays are done in a very public manner for the others to witness. The embarrassment felt, would in all probability not be justifiable enough for the receiving party to forgive or forget.
Women are much more sensitive to actions and behaviors that depict them in a poor light, thus making such displays almost unacceptable for them.
Being able to behave well and show some level of maturity and consideration is usually what most people would want extended to them, and in doing so all parties will be able to comfortable respect each other’s boundaries of tolerance.
Men too don’t respond well to being publically corrected or talked “down” to, thus their partners should learn the vital lesson of keeping such actions and behaviors to the confines of their own private space.
Chapter 6:Be Honest And Pay Attention
Honestly is almost always one of the most highly valued element within the confines of any relationship and this is more some demanded within the partnership of a man and woman. In most cases it is found that women are more likely to hold the element of honesty as a highly prized value when comparing to other human value systems.
In order of both parties to establish a strong and loving long-term relationship, the elements of honesty and being able to be alert to the other party’s feelings and needs is very pivotal indeed.
Another very helpful trait to develop would be to anticipate the needs and work towards having these needs met adequately. This will certainly be highly appreciated by the receiving party and will more than likely be reciprocated.
If the individual is really committed to making the relationship work, then taking the extra effort to pay attention to all the minor details within the relationship as a whole will give him or her a good prospective and opportunity to always be prepared for the unexpected and extend actions that would be depicted as genuinely caring and considerate.
Most relationships eventually make the mistake to taking each other’s feeling for granted, thus eventually becoming rather lazy and inattentive to the needs of the other party.
This of course is a rather negative and destructive mindset to develop as it will defiantly be one of the pivotal points that contribute to the eventual downfall of the relationship.
If the element of honestly is established very early on, in the relationship, both parties will be able to speak their mind without the hindrance of deceit taking root in any area.
Honest is appreciated in almost all circumstances but being honest in a gently and considerate manner would be advised, especially when feelings are involved.
Chapter 7:Spend Quality Time And Say It
With all the distractions of today’s daily needs of every individual, it is sometimes very difficult for people to stop and make the effort to spend quality time with their significant other. Commitments and distractions often cause the parties to go through life without actually fortifying the relationship until it suffers significantly enough to be on the verge of collapse. This is indeed a rather poor state of affairs to be in, thus the need to ensure some quality time is scheduled as often as possible for each other.
Some Insight
Making this effort and ensuring it is well noted and received is a good way to build a relationship that lasts through thick and thin. Spending quality time, is something that needs planned attention, and certainly a concerted effort on the part of both parties especially when there are significant work and family commitments to contend with, on a daily basis.
However without this effort, the relationship will eventually become stale and boring, which could lead to either party seeking the missing link outside to the existing relationship.
This of course would be a rather dangerous journey to explore as the eventual damage to the existing relationship could be so extensive that recovery may not be an available option.
For some, establishing time for both parties to set aside may be a struggle but the insistence of this very healthy endeavor, will eventually bring forth good and beneficial results to the relationship.
Persistence in this area would definitely be well rewarded in the end, as it will clearly show each other the level of commitment both parties are willing to take to strengthen the relationship.
Being vocal about this is also very important, as this too will show the significant other, the seriousness of the individual’s commitment to the betterment of the relationship.
Wrapping Up
Every living element functions better with the presence of love in the existing equation. However most people are so caught up with their own everyday agendas, they often forget the importance of demonstrating love towards each other, especially within the marriage perimeter.
Almost every married couple will be able to relate to this particular lack within their marriage at one point or another. Therefore it would be very helpful if both parties understood the importance of being lovingly demonstrative within the marriage as this will often be the single most effective tool to keep the marriage from adversity and strife.
Being able to demonstrate love through actions and verbalization is something very mush expected, certainly highly regarded, and valued as most couple would attest to.
This demonstration will speak volumes into the condition and well-being of the relationship as it would be the ideal and significant way to show each other’s love and commitment to making the marriage work.
Lack of demonstrative love will only allow negativity and questions to creep into the marriage thus creating a lot of unnecessary animosity toward each other.
Human being respond very well to acts of kindness and love, thus there is no need to refrain from such displays of lovingness simply because a couple is married or has been married for a long time. In fact the longer the couples are together, the more the acts of lovingness should be encouraged and displayed.
With the presence of such acts being prevalent within the relationship, there would be very little room for the couple to find fault with each other, and even when fault is found the negativity surrounding such a situation could be significantly minimized.
Therefore the importance of demonstrating love should never be underestimated.
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