Spiritual warrior (Part-2)
Spiritual warriorChapter 5:Set Aside Time To MeditateSummary
If you are seeking joy, vibrant health, positive relationships, fulfillment in your life and calmness, you can obtain these things through the power of meditation.
This provides innumerable benefits for your spirit, mind and body. Setting aside time meditate brings several benefits aside from such things, and they are wished to be unveiled through digging deeper into this chapter.
Unveiling the Power of Meditation
Meditation is a truly valuable tool that helps people foster physical health, combat stress, become more peaceful, feel happier, can help them sleep better and it can help you improve your life.
However, on a deeper sense, meditation is an important doorway into the unknown. This can help you to get a sense of the whole mystery of your identities and who you really are.
When you set aside time to mediate, you are also helping yourself towards achieving the ultimate goal of meditation, which is enlightenment. It is the realization of your mind’s true nature. Through drawing deeper into your consciousness and directing your mind, you can discover reality, and by cultivating such practice, you can start developing a positive approach to your lives.
Meditation is really important to your minds. Throughout the day, your minds are filled with different thoughts. When you start setting aside time to meditate, you are focusing your attention at your soul’s seat, and then you start to quite your mind.
Through regular meditation, you are developing a sustained concentration. Such increase in concentration joined with reduced tension and stress, improved relationships and renewed energy can help you obtain success in your activities.
Meditation is a spiritual experience that empowers your soul, and enables you to rise into different dimensions of higher consciousness. By focusing your attentions within, you are actually able to experience those inner realms and you connect with God, thereby fulfilling the real purpose of your existence.
What is within each of us is actually a divine spirit. The process of accessing such inner spirit, wisdom and intelligence is known as meditation. You can empower your spirituality by setting aside time to meditate.
Chapter 6:Learn To Listen To Your Inner VoiceSummary
You can establish great wisdom by spending some time every day in grateful communion and learning how to listen to your inner voice.
There is no any better way of establishing a fulfilling life than through mastering an art off being in tune with your most inspired self – your inner voice. Such voice serves as your guide in this complex life. Through learning how to listen to it, you will know the great changes that it can bring into your life.
Every individual has an inner voice; all you have to do is to learn listening to it to be able to be led by it. If you continue to listen to it, you can start living a life that is true and fulfilling. To help you stay in tune with your inner voice, there are some valuable things you need to bear in mind;
Listening to Your Inner Voice
You have an inner voice, and it is not a critical parent, an addictive personality or a compulsive spender within your head. It comes from the part of who you are that can help you to your real life expression. It does not shout; it actually speaks and communicates with you from a point of silence within you.
Since it’s a subtle voice, you need to be still and calm to be able to hear it. If your mind if filled with worry, extraneous thoughts, longing, resentment, stress, grief or fear, you will never hear this voice.
It actually takes some practice to be able to listen to this voice. It is not easy to hear the desires of your heart. Sometimes, your passion will come as a serendipitous event or a whisper than will remind you of what is important and the things that can make you happy.
This is quite the same to what’s meant by trusting or listening to your inner voice. Learn to recognize your inner voice and you can do this by being in a state of calmness and quietness. You need to clear your thoughts with those unnecessary things that serve as barrier to listening to it.
One of the greatest secrets of staying in tune with your inner voice and understanding its messages is actually having a heart that is filled with love and gratitude. Open your heart, open it with great gratitude, and you will see that your inner voice will even become louder and clearer. What it wants will be brought into your mind with ease
Chapter 7:Change Your Mindset About Being PositiveSummary
Your way of thinking has significant effects in your life today and to the days to come. If you focus your mindset into the positive things in your life, you will also have a happier life than you could ever think of.
Changing your state of mind about being positive can also bring affirmative changes in your life. This will enable you to improve your current situation. It will give you hope that a better tomorrow awaits you. Shifting your mindset into optimism will enable you to view a brighter side of life no matter how tough or complicated life may be.
If you continue to have a positive mindset, you can create a more positive life. However, with the difficult situations that people are experiencing, it becomes quite hard for them to think about the positive side of this life; but each of us need to think that there are ways to improve your life, and one of which is to learn to be positive and change our way of thinking.
Changing your Mindset
With the challenges and difficulties that most people experience in life, it is quite harder to avoid having negative feelings and thoughts in this life. It is not easy to shift your mind into positivity is things around you are becoming even more difficult and tougher. However, you have to realize that if you want to end your sufferings, you need to make an action, and it starts with the way you think about life.
There are many positive exercises that you can actually do to develop your positive mental attitude, and it first begins with what you think. If you always think that “you cannot”, then you are trying to convince that it is indeed true. Think positive and use words of affirmations towards yourself and towards life.
You need to push out all the negative feelings that you have in you. Don’t let those negative feelings like doubt, anxiety, fear, and the likes to overwhelm you. Always focus on the positive side of life. You need to bear in mind that in every difficult situation, there is always something better you can get. Learn to recognize those things. Always think about the positive things in life.
Another thing that you can do is to use words that induce strength, power and success. Fill your mind with words that will make you stronger and feel happier. Changing your mindset about being positive can help you experience a more fulfilling and promising life you always want. Be positive and you will also attract great things in your life.
Chapter 8:Get A Grateful MindsetSummary
When you learn to develop a gratitude mindset, it will become nearly impossible for you to experience emptiness, sadness and frustration. The whole universe is energy and energy is an everlasting power. Thereby, what you want come from energy.
To ensure that you will obtain the positive things in life, you also need to develop a grateful mindset.
Developing your Grateful Mindset
Life is full of uncertainties, and when things don’t go your way, it becomes more difficult to focus on the positive side of life. However, if you want to improve your life, and ensure a positive future ahead of you, you need to change now. Get a grateful state of mind and constantly develop it.
When you’re genuinely grateful for an event, a situation, a person or a thing, you are sending a great state of energy into the universe and then, the universe will respond to it. If you continue to develop a grateful mindset and look at the brighter side of life, the universe will also bring positive changes in your life.
To develop your grateful mindset, you need to shift your focus from those things that you don’t have, or you lack in life towards those abundance that you obtain. Always be appreciative and be thankful to even the smallest blessings that you receive. Be grateful about life and to all the trials that you receive everyday that make you strong. Learn to recognize the best things that are happening in your life rather than focusing on the otherwise.
When you develop a grateful mindset, you will positive changes in your life. You will also feel that no matter how hard life can be or how tougher your problems are, you still live a happier life. Keep in mind that your happiness does not depend on others; it always depends on you. How you think about life today will manifest in the future. Always be thankful for what you have, and focus on the great things life offers you.
Chapter 9:Use Affirmations To Stay On CourseSummary
“Affirmations are like seed planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.”
What you continually think and speak about life will manifest in the kind of life that you have. If you believe and think that you can do something, then you can, so you need to be careful with your thoughts.
Motivational affirmations can help you get and just get going no matter how difficult your situations may be. Words of affirmations are greatly powerful that you might think. It is your belief system and your attitude that can develop your life and will make your become successful.
If you want to stay on the course and continue to live the kind of life that you want, you need to use the power of affirmations. All people have power to change their course of life, and using affirmations, you can bring significant changes into your lives.
The Power of Affirmations
You can achieve your dreams and obtain what your heart desires only if you believe that you can do so. Affirmations are actually statements you say to yourself or you say aloud. You are affirming to yourself that whatever things you want will come to pass.
Affirmations work because whatever you repeat to yourself will greatly influence your thoughts, and whatever it is that you focus your mind on, you will attract, thereby obtaining what your heart desires.
When using affirmation, you have to ensure that you affirmations are positive statements. Use such statements to reflect the things you want to happen or goals you want to achieve.
You have to keep in mind that your life is actually outer manifestations of your inner beliefs and thoughts. Affirmations are easy and simple yet very powerful. A lot of professional businesspeople have used them in order to run their business effectively. Many artists have also used them to become more creative and to be able to come up with great ideas. You too can get benefit from its power in every area of your life.
Focused affirmations serve as perfect ways for you to start your every day and live the kind of life you want. When you experience pain, feel stress, tension or just any type of anxiety, affirmations can always make you feel great. The power to control your life is within you. You are responsible for the kind of life you have.
Affirmations are greatly powerful, and they have power to shape your life and potentially to establish a life of peace and happiness.
Keep in mind that it’s only your thoughts that can prevent from fulfilling your goals and such thoughts can always be altered. This is a valuable process that will change not only the way you view life, but also the overall quality of your life.
Chapter 10:The Benefits Of Your Spiritual ResolutionSummary
Spiritual resolutions bring positive changes in your life. You may not know it but by establishing spiritual resolutions, you are helping yourself to improve your life and develop your spirituality.
In this complex and wicked world, it is quite hard to think about your spirituality. Most of the time, people are too busy with their lives and they forget the most valuable aspect of their existence. This is now the most perfect time for them to take a break, pause, and assess their lives.
Developing your spirituality through spiritual resolutions can help you bring peace and happiness to your life. To help you fully understand the changes that this can offer you, the following are the benefits of spiritual resolution to one’s life.
The Importance of Spiritual Resolution
When making a list of resolutions, many people mostly forget one important aspect – their spirituality. You need to bear in mind that spiritual resolution can become an important asset in helping you fulfill your goals, or cope with a lot of things within your life you want to be changed.
This is the best moment for you to make valuable spiritual commitments that can help you improve your life, relationship with your family, friends, partner, and your relationship with God. When you begin to make spiritual resolutions, you can experience a happier life.
People also tend to forget all the worries in life, and they establish the belief that no matter how tough situations may be, better things in their life always outweigh the sufferings that they experience.
When you start creating a spiritual resolution, you also begin to experience a life of peace and constant bliss. You can appreciate the beauty of life and you tend to always look at the brighter side of everything.
Your spiritual resolution will help you to believe that there will always be better tomorrow than today, and this will help you to always move forward with faith in God. Spend time understanding God’s teachings and never cease praying until you find an answer to your prayers. Create a life of faith and love.
Life is never perfect but if you start establishing a spiritual resolution, you can experience a more meaningful and blissful life. Move forward with Faith.
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